Reciprocal aid. American nurses and officers enjoy themselves in nurses' quarters of a new 3,000,000 dollar hospital "somewhere in Australia" which government of Australia has provided, without payment by the United States, for American servicemen recuperating from wounds and illness. Hospital is one of many Australian contributions under reciprocal lend-lease. Left to right: Miss Bertha Only, Middletown, New York; Major James Hipple, Pierre, South Dakota; Lieutenant R.A. Pearson, Jr., Raleigh, North Carolina; Miss Genevieve Kusek, Danvers, Massachusetts; Captain T.F. Connolly, Sacramento, California; Lieutenant Ray Loper, Cleveland, Oklahoma; Miss Julia Owens, Columbus, Georgia; Lieutenant Edward Ferreri, Connorsville, Indiana; Miss Sera Clifton, Harrington, Delaware


Reciprocal aid. American nurses and officers enjoy themselves in nurses' quarters of a new 3,000,000 dollar hospital "somewhere in Australia" which government of Australia has provided, without payment by the United States, for American servicemen recuperating from wounds and illness. Hospital is one of many Australian contributions under reciprocal lend-lease. Left to right: Miss Bertha Only, Middletown, New York; Major James Hipple, Pierre, South Dakota; Lieutenant R.A. Pearson, Jr., Raleigh, North Carolina; Miss Genevieve Kusek, Danvers, Massachusetts; Captain T.F. Connolly, Sacramento, California; Lieutenant Ray Loper, Cleveland, Oklahoma; Miss Julia Owens, Columbus, Georgia; Lieutenant Edward Ferreri, Connorsville, Indiana; Miss Sera Clifton, Harrington, Delaware

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