Florists' review (microform) (16682363762)


Florists' review (microform) (16682363762)



Title: Florists' review (microform)
Identifier: 5205536_29_1 (find matches)
Year: [1] (s)
Subjects: Floriculture
Publisher: Chicago : Florists' Pub. Co
Contributing Library: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

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No\i;jJiti;K 2;(, 1911. The Weekly Florists^ Review. 21
Text Appearing After Image:
A General View of the Milwaukee Flower Show, November 15 to 19, 1911 'iii'i-iiu I Criiicd'i'v Association, Moi-^;aii I'ark, 111., tliird. I'uiiN lilixpiiis, vi'llow—I'oi-liliiiiimi r.ros. i'o.. lirsl, Willi (;nl(;,.ii Ciiadwicli; i:. .. s.v >>iul. wilh Ci.lili-u i:aKli'; t'. C. I'l.Uudrtli Co.. lliiid. Willi (oildi'ii WoddJiiK. I'wi'iity Mooiiis. wlilt(—C. (,'. I'ollwoftli Co.. lirst, Willi I.viiiiwood Hall; K. (i. Hill V.o.. socoiid. witii Cliailwiil; lujiirovoil; I'.iii-liii.^loi) I'loral Co.. liurliii.u'loii. Wis., tliinl. with I'.atoii; .Momn tll'oeiiwooil ( c-iuctoi-.v Association, fourth, wilh Xccdlinir No. j. Twcnly Idooii'.s. pink—I'(H>lilniaiin liios. Co.. lii'st, Willi Maud Ucan; Ilciiiiaii Schw.iii, Mihv.iii- kct', sccoiiil, with Italfour; lloriiiaii Siih'ps. Klin <;rove, ^\'is., third, with Maud Ilcaii; K. O. IJlll Co., fourth, witli Miriam Ilaiikcv. Twcnly blooms, yellow—C. C. rollworlh Co., first, with <;rddi'ii Wcddiii;;; Itrniian Stac;is, second, wilh (loldi'H Wcddini;: 10. ti. Hill Co., lliiid, with Yellow Katoii: Mount (JreenwiHid Ceini'lery Association, fourth, with Colden Kafcle. 'I'weiitv blooms, any otlicr color -C. C, I'oli- worth Co., lirst. with 'Clen View; i:. <i. Hill Co., second, wilh (;icn View; Elmer I). Smith & Co., third, with (Hen View. Twtlve bloonii:, .yellow—C. C. rollworlh Co.. lirsl, wilh (otlden Chadwick; KInier I). Smitli »V: ;'o.. seconi;; I.". ;ne hard; C. C. I'ollworth Co., tliir<l. with Maud Dean. Twelve blooms, wliiti—C. C. I'dlworth Cn.. lirst. Willi Chadwick Iniproveil; Kliner P. Smith kSc Co.. seeind, with Naoinah; .Mount Crceiiwooil Ccnielery .\. Sniilh vV (_'o., third. Colle.tion anemone varieties--I'o\ I'oint Floral Co., .Milwaukee, first; K. C. Hill Co.. second. Colleilioii pcmipon varieties—K. il. Hill Co., first: iV: i:ider, Indiami;iolis, seitors. I'ine iuitirrhiiium also was sliowu and tlio valley was excellent, altliouyh not well staged. The awards for niiscelhineous cut flowers were as follows: Orchid^ —James Livingston, Milwaukee, first. Houble vioh'ls—LoeUler A: P.enke, \\atertowii. Wis., lirst; Alberl l.oefller, Waterlown. scm 1; Charles (iehlensclilae),'er, Ocononiow e. Wis . Ihird. I.ily of tiie valley—I'oelilmann I'.ros. C.i., Chi ca:;o, lirst; llolton it Hnnki'l Co., .Milwaukee, second; C. C, I'ldlworth Co., Milwaukee, third. I'ifl.y Kaster iilii's—Premium divided «ipiall> belueeii lioltoii it Hunkel Co., C. C. I'cdiworth Co., the Mitchell Street (Ireenliouses and lien (ireiror.v, .Vntirrhinuni -Mueller & Schroeder Co . Mil waukee, iK'st; (-ius Tohl, .Milwanki'c, second. Chrysanthemum Plants. On chrysanthemum jihints C. (', I'nll worth Co, was the (niiiciiial exhibitor, .•litliough some good plants came from \'aughan's (Jroenliouses. Wostern Springs. Ill, (iood groujis were stiiged liy IMociennicziik Bros., .lohn C. Rost and Edlefsea-Leidiger Co. The follow- ing were the awards: Specimen plant, wliite—V.iu^rhan's Seed Store. ChicaiAo, IJrst; V. C, I'olhvortli Co., Milwaukee, second. Specimen plant. Pink V.iunhan's Seed Store, lirst; C. C. Pollworth Co., second; Otto Kf.'^e bnvht, Milwaukee, third, SpeciiiH-n pl;int, yelbiw (.'. C. Pidlwortli Co., first; V.iiijilian's Seed Store, second. Specimen jilaiit, any other color—Vaui,'li:iii'^ Seed Store, liI^t; C. C. Prdlwortli Co., second Specimen plant, single variety—Vanglian's Seed Slore. lirst; C. C. Pollw(U-;li Co., second; Krnst Praefke, .Milwaukee, third. Siiccimeii plant, anenioru—Vaughan's See,I Store, lirst; C. C. Pollworth Co.. second. Specimen standard—C. C. Pollworlii Co., second. ■;uenly-f've single stems - ('. C. Polluorih Co.. si'cind. <;roup arranged for effect, to cover l.'iO fee! — C. !iture. Hardly ever is there so comprehensive a showing of the kind of plants the visitor can find on siile in any flower store. The ))alms and ferns were fine commercial stock and the displays were all local except three groups from Henry A, Drcer, Inc., I'liiladelpliia. one ot' ftitiiicarias, one ol' I'hciiiix lioehelenii and one of ( ocos \\eddellian:i, the lat- ter two including .-ill sizes. There were Lirnups of palms from li\e exhibitors, iiiiliidiiig lloltiiii \- llimkel Co.. Kdlef -en Leidigor ( o., Currie Bros. Co., A. F, Kellner Co, :iiicl .lacob I'reytag. fiioups i>\' fenis wen i'\eii more iiiimeioiis .and included some spei-ially well arrtingod lots of lioston and its sports from Tollwortli and llolton A llunkel iind -'line excellent Cibiitiiim Schiedei from f iirrio Bros, (\>. Croups of araucarias were shown by I'ollworth. llolton \ lluuktd. IMIetsen Leidiger, Currie and • lai-oli Freytag. In lloworing plants, oeraiiiunis were pfirticularly well shown; Heitnian A: Haerm;in, I'locionniczak Bros., Walter II. Ilummei & Co., Thomas Cri(dder and otto II. j;oo,,i,i-,.,.l,t all had goo\' cvcjameiis. from < ;irl Meier, Fax I'oint Floral Co. ;ind ('harles KitzerouO I'.e-onias were not;ibly numerous. .T. K. .Mattliewson, Sheboygan, included La i'.atrie in his lot. but all the others were l.iirraine typ,-. Tlie exhibitors in eluded .1. A. I'etersoii, < im'inn.nti, Fred Vogel. ,lr., C. C. I'olhv.irth the ;iw;irds on palms, ferns ;iml miseelhineous jilants; Pesi.iii lorn —llolton ,v llunkel Cm., .Milwaukee hi-'; <'. <■. Polluorih (■■■.. .Mliw.iuhce, second Sport of P.osl.^n C. C. P.dlworlli Co. lirsf ..dhlsen-l.eiiliucr c,,.. .Mihvaiilvec. -ecnd ■ \ Pellmaiin A: Son. .Milwaukee, lhii-,1. Si\ Ciliolium Schiedci -Cnirie p.r,:.<. c, Mi), waukee, lirst; C. C. Pollworth Co., s.^cond. Colleeiion of ferns, fifteen varieties -\ugust V. Kellner Co., .Milwaukee, lijsi: c. (■ i^ll Woilli Co., second. Croup of P.ostons, l.-,ii sipiaro feet -llolton & Ilunkid Co., first : C, C. Pollwnrih Co.,,^econd (iroiip sports of lioston-c. C. Pollworth Co,! lirst, tJronp of palms to cover 1."() square f<'et- llolton & Hunkel Co,, lirst; P^dlefscn r.eldlger Co second- August F. Kellner Co., Ihird; Currie Uros' Co., fourth. Croup decorative rilaiits. L'oO square feet.

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