Bambridge on trial for murder by a committee of the House of Commons / engraved by T. Cook from an original painting by William Hogarth in the possession of Mr. Ray.


Bambridge on trial for murder by a committee of the House of Commons / engraved by T. Cook from an original painting by William Hogarth in the possession of Mr. Ray.



Print shows several members of the House of Commons, including James Oglethorpe and Archibald Grant, gathered in a room at the Fleet Prison for an investigation of Thomas Bambridge, warden of the prison, for the brutal treatment of prisoners, one of whom is shown at center wearing a punishment device, known as the collar, that fits around the neck and one or both hands, another device, known as the sheers, is held by Grant, and another device, known as the skull cap, is held by Oglethorpe and two other committee members. Bambridge was subsequently tried at the Old Bailey for the murder of a prisoner.

Erst im 18. Jahrhundert blühte die Karikatur wirklich als Form politischer Kritik auf. In den späten 1750er Jahren begann ein Mann namens Thomas Townshend, die Techniken früherer Graveure anzuwenden und auf ein politisches Modell anzuwenden. Dies verlieh Thompsons Karikaturen ein viel stärkeres Gefühl von Propaganda als frühere künstlerische Kritik der Zeit. Das intensive politische Klima dieser Zeit und der oft anklagende Charakter der meisten politischen Karikaturen zwangen viele Künstler, Pseudonyme zu verwenden, um Verleumdungsvorwürfen aus dem Weg zu gehen. Andere Künstler gingen noch einen Schritt weiter und ließen ihre Karikaturen völlig unsigniert zurück, wobei sie auf jeden Kredit verzichteten, den sie möglicherweise erhalten hatten. Politische Höherrangige waren bekanntermaßen empfindlich auf ihren Ruf und scheuten sich nicht, Beispiele von Straftätern zu nennen. Puck war das erste erfolgreiche Humormagazin in den Vereinigten Staaten, das farbenfrohe Cartoons, Karikaturen und politische Satiren zu den aktuellen Themen herausbrachte. Es wurde von 1871 bis 1918 veröffentlicht.

Victorian Times London. Victoria wurde am 24. Mai 1819 im Kensington Palace in London geboren und war vom 20. Juni 1837 bis zu ihrem Tod am 22. Januar 1901 Königin des Vereinigten Königreichs von Großbritannien und Irland.

Instruments of torture are tools or devices that have been used throughout history to inflict pain, suffering, or punishment on individuals. These instruments have been used for a variety of purposes, including interrogating prisoners, extracting confessions, deterring crime, and inflicting punishment. Some examples of instruments of torture that have been used throughout history include: The rack: The rack was a device used to stretch the limbs of a person, causing extreme pain and sometimes even dislocating joints. It was often used to extract confessions or to punish people accused of crimes. The iron maiden: The iron maiden was a coffin-like structure with sharp spikes on the inside. It was designed to impale a person, causing severe injury or death. Strappado (a device used to lift a person off the ground by their arms), the thumbscrew (a device used to crush the thumbs), and the water torture (a form of torture in which water was poured down the throat or over the face to create the sensation of drowning). The Chinese water torture: The Chinese water torture was a form of torture in which water was dripped onto a person's forehead, causing the sensation of drowning. It was believed to be used by the Chinese during the Ming Dynasty, but there is no historical evidence to support this claim.





Cook, Thomas, approximately 1744-1818, engraver
Hogarth, William, 1697-1764, artist


Library of Congress


No known restrictions on publication.

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